Thursday, September 30, 2010


minuscule statements left to be pondered on. breathe life into me; i beg of you.
stimulate my senses and touch me cosmically.
i am your follower because my heart takes no notice of any other leader. the pounds in my stomach are the knots untwisting..shaping into your name, and i add my self into the equation hoping I'm not the X. tell me your story and i will write it down and paint pictures of the next few pages. ill be the avid reader and sign "true fan" by your chest at the end of each journey.

Monday, September 20, 2010


sincerity is hard to come by, with piercing lies that sting worse than third degree burns; i still stay cool. my mind retracts severely with strange thoughts that were long gone or so thought to be. i have prayed for a better tomorrow and have got it but i feel a force come over me i can not ignore. "spite me O' mighty spite-r" your sick twisted games navigating through my mind and i once again feel the definition of isolation; he stares me down and laughs in my face as i curl into my corner again. finally here comes an angel that arrives upon my shoulder and picks up my collar and i float along with it, it is now where i view the arms of warmth and then i can be convinced once more that i am not alone, that i am not a light feather being driven by the wind, i am not one to be put away momentarily while you go gallivanting. the mind is what spites me.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


time hurts
time heals
time stresses
time is here, gone, and coming
time never leaves you like everyone else
cold, distraught.
time continues even when you have stopped
time views linear while we view circular
time creates you or destroy you with no intention of doing so
time is what you would've taken to understand how it hurts and why you heal and what stresses you so that way time can make you see.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


i have given something of myself, my world is in your soul and i play like a child; twirling i go. i jump into the pool of your heart and splash my love all over your body. i sing lyrics meant for the masses when in reality they are from me to you. your smile reminds me of all the great games i once played, it is innocent and painless when i look at you. i can feel my hands producing warmth in yours as you laugh so brightly. we play in this game so easily as we embrace.